Before you start the installation program, you need to call AppleOnline on 0870 744 44121 to obtain a User name and Password.
How to install:
Double Click on file Installer, follow the prompts coming on the screen, the program will install all files necessary to setup your computer. The computer will restart.
After restart, a new folder is opened on your screen called Internet Connection Wizard. Double click on the Wizard icon, go through the screens and insert information as requested. you will need your User Name and Password to finish the installation.
Once the Wizard configured your computer, then you can start using the computer for connection.
Should you encounter any problems during or after installation, please call 0870 744 4411 for help.
Programs that will be installed:
1- Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 (Browser Program)
2- Microsoft Outlook Express 4.01 (Email Program)
3- Internet Connection Wizard (Setup Program)
4- Internet Config files (Files needed for connection)
5- Open Transport 1.1.1 (Optional and only for Macs with OS 7.5.5 or lower)
6- OT/PPP 1.0 (Optional and only for Macs with OS 7.5.5 or lower)
If your operating system has Mac OS 7.5.5 or lower, and Open Transport is not installed, then you need to install Open Transport 1.1.1 and OT/PPP 1.0 before you install the other programs above. Please read the readme file for these programs first.
Thank you for choosing AppleOnline for your internet connection.